
Church Music Resources

Church musicians face many time challenges - multiple jobs and responsibilities beyond the console. These are the types of resources that I looked for when starting my career. Time you spend looking for music is time that you don't spend at the console - so try these to expedite the planning and organization process for church musicians.

Music Planning Sheet

I've not yet found a planning sheet resource from a publisher that I like, so I made these.

Download planner with four Sundays per page (with service music worksheet).

Download planner with four Sundays per page (blank, no lines).

Download planner with one Sunday per page. For the musician who writes a lot!.

Liturgical Dates for Labeling

Plan music in advance! You use a larger swath of your music library, you can choose some stretch pieces, and automatically organize your practice time. This sheet is intended to be cut apart and used as labels for hanging folders. I also hang it up in the choir room so the choir can choose the correctly colored stoles.

Download 2013/14 Sunday date labels.

Download 2013/14 Sunday dates and names labels (B&W).

Download 2013/14 Sunday dates and names labels (color).

Music Filing Tabs

Wise musicians never waste time looking for music - the first step in this process is to file well. You'll never have to re-purchase a score just because you can't find yours. These filing pds have appropriate file headers formatted for mailing labels.

Download music filing labels.